Dissertation support

When you are starting your final year project or dissertation you will need a range of skills to help you succeed.

Critical reading

Learn what is involved in thinking critically.

How to write critically

Understand the difference between analytical or critical writing and descriptive writing.

Tips for avoiding plagiarism

Understand plagiarism and how to avoid it. 

Evaluating information

With so much information available, how do you decide what to use and what is not appropriate? You can use these quetsions to help you critically evaluate the information you find.

How well do I manage my time

Recommended reading

We've made a collection of Study Skills books that you can find on our library catalogue.


Links to additional resources

Critical thinking study guide

A study guide from Plymouth University which considers critical thinking and how to develop an argument based on analysis and evaluation.

Find information for your dissertation

We've collated some links on our Library Blog that will be useful for dissertations.