Further information

Frequently asked questions on one-to-one support.

Do I have to make an appointment?

Making an appointment is highly recommended due to the heavy demand on our service. If you are making a special trip or you are working to a tight schedule you can only be sure to see someone if you make an appointment or attend a drop-in.

Where do I go?

Check your confirmation email which will detail the location of your appointment. Please ask at the helpdesk if you get lost.

How long are appointments?

Appointments last approximately one hour depending on the type of enquiry. If you think you will need additional sessions, please speak to the adviser who will discuss options with you. You may be asked to provide feedback after appointments.

What should I bring?

Please bring any work in progress, tutor feedback, module guide, or documentation that will help the adviser to understand the background to your enquiry.

Can I bring someone with me?

You may attend guidance sessions with another student or in small groups but you will need to request this in advance.

Can someone proofread my written work?

Proofreading written work is a graduate skill. We can explain how to do this yourself but we will not 'comprehensively check' your work before it is handed in. Advisers provide guidance and support on specific elements within an assignment, rather than reading it in its entirety and providing feedback on the whole document.

Can I email my assignment for feedback?

We expect students to attend an appointment in person to get the most out of the support and discuss elements of their assignment. Appointments are a discussion not a 'check' of your work, as mentioned above we do not offer a proofreading service, so we will not provide 'corrections' in advance of an appointment.

Confidentiality, complaints, and queries

Student details and dates of visits are recorded by the advisers and admin team. Visits and individual enquiries are not discussed with other staff without permission. Students may be asked to provide feedback after visits. Any person using this service who has a complaint or specific query should contact:

Telephone: 0191 515 2280 or email: studysupport@sunderland.ac.uk