
We run a variety of skills events to help you complete your assignments and support your research. Keep an eye on this page to stay up to date with the Masterclass workshops on offer.

Masterclass fundamentals advert

Study Skills Masterclasses: Fundamentals sessions 

*Booking open now!*

Our Masterclass sessions are delivered by our Study Skills experts to help you perfect the academic study skills you need to succeed at University.
Topics include:
Fundamentals of Referencing (Harvard Style)
Fundamentals of Assignment Planning
Fundamentals of Critical Thinking
Fundamentals of Academic Language

Book yourself a place on one of these sessions to attend in person at one of our campus library spaces, or online via Teams.

Book available sessions here

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Study Skills Masterclasses: Stretch your Knowledge sessions

*Booking open now! Sessions beginning April*

You've already mastered the fundamentals, stretch your knowledge further by building on your existing academic skills:

Stretch your Critical Thinking Skills
Stretch your Academic Language Skills

Book yourself a place on one of these sessions to attend in person at one of our campus library spaces, or online via Teams

Book available sessions here

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Transitioning to Higher Education advert

Transitioning to Higher Education

*Stay tuned for new sessions*

Introducing the basic academic skills you’ll need to be successful at university.

Book yourself a place on one of these sessions to attend in person at one of our campus library spaces, or online via Teams.

Book available sessions here

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Study Skills events calendar image

To view all current workshops, visit the Study Skills Events Calendar